SpamCop Blocking List
SpamCop Blocking List Details
The SpamCop Blocking List (SCBL) lists IP addresses which have transmitted reported email to SpamCop users. SpamCop, service providers and individual users then use the SCBL to block and filter unwanted email. The SCBL is a fast and automatic list of sites sending reported mail, fueled by a number of sources, including automated reports and SpamCop user submissions. The SCBL is time-based, resulting in quick and automatic delisting of these sites when reports stop.
- Learn more about the SpamCop Blocking List (SCBL)
- How to implement the SCBL
- Other information about the SCBL
Received a Report from SpamCop?
Start by following the link(s) in the email report you received from SpamCop. These links provide details about the reported email and SpamCop's procedures. These links provide access to advanced options for analyzing and responding to reported spam.
Implement the SCBL to Filter Spam
The SCBL aims to stop most spam while not blocking wanted email. This is a difficult task. It is not possible for any blocking tool to avoid blocking wanted mail entirely. Given the power of the SCBL, SpamCop encourages use of the SCBL in concert with an actively maintained allow list of wanted email senders. SpamCop encourages SCBL users to tag and divert email, rather than block it outright. Most SCBL users consider the amount of unwanted email successfully filtered to make the risks and additional efforts worthwhile.
The SCBL is aggressive and often errs on the side of blocking mail. When implementing the SCBL, provide users with the information about how the SCBL and your mail system filter their email. Ideally, they should have a choice of filtering options. Many mailservers operate with blocking lists in a "tag only" mode, which is preferable in many situations.
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