You have probably arrived here because of a SpamCop report. Please read the introduction for information about the report you are viewing.

Interacting with SpamCop and its users:
You are mailbombing me! How can I make it stop?
How can I get SpamCop reports about my network?
How do I register an abuse@ email address?
How can I get removed from SpamCop's blocking system?
Once I close a spammer's account, how can I prevent others reporting it?
How can I respond to spam complaints via email?
How can I control what type of reports I receive?
You've munged the header...
How do I get in touch with the person who filed the complaint?
Help with SpamCop reports and spam in general
Robots: Mailing lists and autoresponders
Double/Confirmed Opt In
I didn't originate the spam. My server might have relayed this message. Why report it to me?
What does a SpamCop Report look like?
Why did SpamCop report this usenet message to me?
General questions:
Who appointed you the "cop" of the internet? Where do you get off?
My web site got terminated/threatened because of SpamCop, but I did not send the spam. What's the big idea?
Why did SpamCop submit my server to relay-testing sites?
What is your opinion of FFA (free for all) pages?
How do Deputies respond to appeals?
Assistance stopping spam:
I'm receiving spam reports, but my mail server logs don't reflect it. Why?
HTTP Proxies (Cisco / Squid / Mailtraq)
Open Relay Servers
Adding BLs to Postfix
Spam-sending malware
But my server is secured against relay...
How can I control spam from my network?
SOCKS Proxy Servers
Links to help with removing open proxies
[New Answer in "Help for abuse-desks and administrators"]