SpamCop is the premier service for reporting spam.
SpamCop determines the origin of unwanted email and reports
it to the relevant Internet service providers. By reporting spam, you
have a positive impact on the problem.
Reporting unsolicited email also helps feed spam filtering systems,
including, but not limited to, SpamCop's own service.
REPORT SPAMReport spam to help Internet providers cut spam off at the source. USE FREE BLOCKING LISTUse the SpamCop DNS-based Blocking List with your own mailserver and get safe and effective spam filtering for free.Learn How Legal / Technical description |
REPORTED FOR SPAMMING?Find out about SpamCop reports and spam blocking, email deliverability
problems and what you can do to ensure that your mail will get through.
GET HELPGet information from SpamCop's extensive FAQ and active user community. |
NEWS:Postmasters, please limit forgery blow-back:Delayed bounces, virus notices, vacation messages More.. |