Submitting a Report:
What do you mean by "full headers"?
Why does SpamCop show different results from one day to the next?
How do I decide an appeal of status is warranted?
SpamCop said "No reports filed." What does it mean?
Why does SpamCop want to send a report to my own network administrator?
How should I report usenet (newsgroup) spam?
Reports sent to SpamCop addresses
How is data from spam submissions used?
Regarding specific reporting problems:
Why does SpamCop refuse to accept my HTML spam?
Why does SpamCop say "Sorry, X refuses to accept SpamCop reports?"
Why does SpamCop say email to X bounces?
What does "no date available" mean?
Why doesn't SpamCop always generate reports for relay administrators?
Why doesn't SpamCop make reports about "reply-to" and "from" addresses?
Why does SpamCop say my spam is too old?
Why does my modem disconnect when I try to submit spam?
How can I easily report spam on my MAC?
SpamCop has quit working with Netscape
Why does submitting to SpamCop results in an error/timeout?
Are servers which do not include IP source information broken?
What does "untrusted" mean?
Why do I get a "Network Error - connection reset by peer in transfer loop" when using SpamCop with Intermute's AdSubtract?
Problems with spam not in original format
[New Answer in "Parsing and reporting spam with SpamCop - decisions, problems"]