This document is not intended to be a complete statement of SpamCop's privacy policy, rather it covers the frequently asked questions. As a subsidiary of Cisco Systems, Inc., SpamCop is governed by the Cisco Online Privacy Statement. Please consult it for a more thorough legal explanation of our privacy policy.
Detailed description of how spam report data is used.
Privacy Limitations:
Information you submit in your spam reports is considered to be in the public domain. This information may be shared with others - in fact, that is the entire purpose of SpamCop. SpamCop makes some attempt to conceal the identity of the recipient of the spam, but this method is not foolproof and should not be relied on. All spam reports include a valid email address for you and the IP address which you used to submit the report.
Privacy Protection:
All other information (member data) - member preferences, authorized and blocked email addresses, forwarding addresses, pop accounts and passwords, and of course incoming email - is kept in strict confidence. No other members are permitted to access this data nor are other third parties. Member data may be viewed by an administrator in the process of debugging, development or simple customer assistance, but it will always be held in strict confidence.
Unforseen problems:
It is possible, though unlikely, that through programming error or security breach, member data could become available to outside parties. Although every precaution against this possibility is taken, nothing is 100% and there is always a chance of failure. You can help by picking a good password and keeping it a secret.
Under no circumstances can we be held liable for any type of security breach or programming error, no matter what the impact. This service is provided "as is".
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