What happened to all the ISP replies?
SpamCop has been redesigned to act as a double-blind between ISPs and people reporting spam. All spam reports are addressed from [reportid]@report.spamcop.net. This email address is connected to your real reporting address, but it is filtered. The filter works like this:
When an ISP replies to their first SpamCop report, the email is forwarded to the correct person. However, at the same time, the ISP is sent back a challenge email asking them to verify by clicking a URL. If the same ISP (as identified by their "from" or "reply-to" header) tries to reply to other SpamCop reports without first responding to the challenge, their email will be unceremoniously deleted.
Paying members have some options not available to free users:
- On the Advanced Preferences page you can set SpamCop to work as described above. The two options you have is to have SpamCop forward all ISP replies or forward only replies from humans (those that have answered the challenge.
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